Polylabs invites to the Polyurethane solutions expo 2017

Polylabs invites you to come to our stand 215, Hall 3, at the Polyurethane solutions expo 27-29 June 2017!

PSE Europe will take place in Munich, one of Germany’s major industrial hubs. Key drivers of innovation in the material science and production sectors, such as the automotive industry, are based in and around the Bavarian capital. With its excellent infrastructure, Munich is a renowned business centre for visitors from Germany’s neighbouring countries as well as worldwide regions.

PSE Europe brings together raw material manufacturers, processing machinery manufacturers, PU converting equipment providers as well as PU products and systems suppliers with buyers and users of raw materials, semi-finished products, PU systems and processing equipment.

Polylabs SIA ir noslēdzis 22.11.2016. līgumu Nr.SKV-L-2016/940 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

Key Features of Cradle-to-Gate:
  • Cradle: Refers to the extraction of raw materials or the beginning of the product’s lifecycle.
  • Gate: Refers to the point when the product leaves the manufacturing facility, ready for delivery.

This model includes:

  1. Raw Material Footprint: Emissions from sourcing and producing raw materials.
  2. Transportation Footprint: Emissions from transporting raw materials to the production site.
  3. Production Footprint: Emissions from manufacturing processes.

Exclusions: Cradle-to-Gate does not include downstream processes like product use, end-of-life disposal, or recycling.

Advantages of Cradle-to-Gate Calculations:
  • Provides a focused view of the manufacturing process’s environmental impact.
  • Aligns well with suppliers and manufacturers who are responsible for the production phase only.
  • Easier to calculate and verify compared to full lifecycle assessments (Cradle-to-Grave or Cradle-to-Cradle).

For technical data sheets, please reach out: office@polylabs.lv

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