Science award

Most significant science achievement in Latvia 2017 award.

Last week our co-founder Miķelis Kirpļuks and our SB member Dr. Uģis Cābulis along other prominent scientists (Dr.habil.chem. Uldis Stirna , Vladimirs Jakušins and Anda Fridrihsone ) have been awarded by the Academy of sciences of Latvia “the most significant achievement in science in Latvia 2017” award. The award was presented for their work in our scientific partner – Institute of Wood chemistry of Latvia developing thermal insulation materials from renewable and recycled materials. 

Key Features of Cradle-to-Gate:
  • Cradle: Refers to the extraction of raw materials or the beginning of the product’s lifecycle.
  • Gate: Refers to the point when the product leaves the manufacturing facility, ready for delivery.

This model includes:

  1. Raw Material Footprint: Emissions from sourcing and producing raw materials.
  2. Transportation Footprint: Emissions from transporting raw materials to the production site.
  3. Production Footprint: Emissions from manufacturing processes.

Exclusions: Cradle-to-Gate does not include downstream processes like product use, end-of-life disposal, or recycling.

Advantages of Cradle-to-Gate Calculations:
  • Provides a focused view of the manufacturing process’s environmental impact.
  • Aligns well with suppliers and manufacturers who are responsible for the production phase only.
  • Easier to calculate and verify compared to full lifecycle assessments (Cradle-to-Grave or Cradle-to-Cradle).

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