PSE Europe, Munich, Germany

Polylabs bio polyols received massive interest in PSE Europe, Munich, Germany.

From 27 – 29 June 2017 an international audience of industry experts was introduced to innovative applications and new developments in the PU sector at the MOC in Munich, Germany.  The first edition of PSE Europe, International Exhibition for Polyurethane Solutions, ended with a total of 1,069 trade visitors from 51 countries and 75 exhibiting companies from 16 countries participated in the specialised launch event for Europe’s PU industry.

Polylabs was participating as an exhibitor with a company stand. In the first two days the intrest in our bio polyols was so enormous that we run out of our product booklets and had to order new ones. This proves that the market is finally ready to shift from oil to renewables and everyone is starting to do something about it.  We had lots of customers willing to develop their own bio based PU systems with our bio polyols to become independent from the major systems providers who lack to keep up with the industry and do not provide bio based solutions. We also had a number of mid size systems houses who are reacting to their customer request to have bio based solutions in their product portfolio. To summarize – we were excited to provide the bio solutions that the market is asking for.

Polylabs team wishes to thank all of our visitors for their interest in our bio polyols and the staff of MackBrooks exhibitions for the great job in organising this expo.

Polylabs SIA ir noslēdzis 22.11.2016. līgumu Nr.SKV-L-2016/940 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

Key Features of Cradle-to-Gate:
  • Cradle: Refers to the extraction of raw materials or the beginning of the product’s lifecycle.
  • Gate: Refers to the point when the product leaves the manufacturing facility, ready for delivery.

This model includes:

  1. Raw Material Footprint: Emissions from sourcing and producing raw materials.
  2. Transportation Footprint: Emissions from transporting raw materials to the production site.
  3. Production Footprint: Emissions from manufacturing processes.

Exclusions: Cradle-to-Gate does not include downstream processes like product use, end-of-life disposal, or recycling.

Advantages of Cradle-to-Gate Calculations:
  • Provides a focused view of the manufacturing process’s environmental impact.
  • Aligns well with suppliers and manufacturers who are responsible for the production phase only.
  • Easier to calculate and verify compared to full lifecycle assessments (Cradle-to-Grave or Cradle-to-Cradle).

For technical data sheets, please reach out:

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